Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hot Air Balloon painting (sketch)

Okay Okay, I know I have not posted in awhile. I feel really bad about it because when I don't work on my blog, I don't get things done that I want done. Like my painting and other stuff I have started and never finish. The whole purpose of this blog is to help me create... and I love to create. When I don't create, I am not happy. So I jumped back in and told myself to not let this happen again.
It's funny how well my husband knows me because when I am not in a good mood he always asks if I started painting yet. That's him trying to tell me to go to my happy place. Last night when I started working on my pillow cases (which I am posting next)he noticed how happy I was because I was like a child. "Look at what I made! What do you think?! Do you like? huh, do you like it?" Now imagine me with a giddy face and pointing at my newest creation.

His answer is always, "Cool, it looks nice." I don't know how honest his reaction really is but I just think he is glad to see me happy.

You might ask..."So where is that painting you have talked about in past posts?" Well, it's sitting on top of my work table, staring back at me. You might have guessed that it's not finished and you are right. Shame on me. But I have made progress. My excuse is that I ran into a tiny problem. Tiny because it was an easy fix but it stopped me from going on further. So when I started sketching it on the canvas, I didn't like it. There was something that bothered me about it. So I stopped. A good friend of mine looked at it and gave me some suggestions. Thanks to her suggestions, I made the necessary changes and it looks great. All I need now is to add the paint.

I am looking forward to finishing this painting soon since it will be a gift to a best friend I have.

Thanks for reading!

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