Monday, March 18, 2013

Finally, finished sea turtle painting!

OH MY HECK! This painting was so much fun. First time I paint ocean water in oils and I lOOOVVVEEED it!

Can you tell I am super excited about this painting? Now, I know I say that about every painting or illustration I make but I guess that just shows how much I love art. It feels so good to make something that gives you a big smile because you know it is awesome. Maybe not everyone will agree with me but that's the beauty of art, you make it your own.

I started by painting the edges with a dark almost navy blue. Gradually I added lighter blues and turquoise.

Then I added the ripples in the water. It looks cool just like that. I wanted to hang it on my wall already.

Last part was to add my turtles. As you can tell, the paint is still wet so it is reflecting a lot of light back to the camera but it's suppose to be a solid black. The last detail is to add little sun rays by the foot of the mommy turtle, since that is where the light is more intense.

As soon as I finish 9 other paintings, I will be selling this on Etsy. I hope it goes to a home that will love it as much as I do.

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  1. That is AMAZING!!! How much are you planning on selling it for??

    1. Glad you like it. For the time it took me...$30. Thanks for commenting!


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